
Crumbed Eggplant

Eggplants are actually berries, not vegetables (weird!) and are related to tomatoes (which are also, technically speaking, a fruit, not a vegetable).

Eggplant readily absorbs flavours and seasonings, making it an ideal as a base for other tastes.

Cooked on its own, as in this recipe, it makes a tasty addition to many dishes, and can be an alternative to potato.


2-3 eggplants, sliced into medium rounds (skin on)


4 eggs

3 tablespoons milk

Plain Flour as needed

3 cups bread crumbs

Canola oil


Slice the eggplant into rounds and sprinkle iodised salt on top to make it sweat (remove moisture)

Place the 4 eggs in a bowl with the 3T of milk and whisk until well combined and liquid.

On a shallow tray place say 1 cup plain flour and on another tray place 3 cups of bread crumbs

Then the process is:

Take the eggplant, dry off moisture with paper towel

Flour it

Egg wash it

Crumb it

On another tray ready for cooking with paper towel in the tray so the crumbs don't peel off

Cooking the Eggplant

Add a good 2 cm of canola oil to a non stick pan

Heat evenly (not too hot / medium) the crumb should sizzle at first and not burn, but brown the crumb

About half way through you may need to change the oil because the crumbs are burning on the bottom

Drain on paper towel

Place in the oven until you are ready to serve (put foil on top)